Our Purpose
Often businesses rush into action before they have truly thought through their strategy and evaluated the alternatives. Or they can find themselves doing what they have always done but the results are diminished and they are losing out to competitors.
Strategic marketing is all about sustainability.
Of course, Insight is delivered by clearly identifying the consumer target and really understanding their needs. But a successful business also needs Insight into their own ability to satisfy those needs in a more compelling way than their competitors. The business needs to fully understand the real competitive situation they are in, their true sources of advantage and their ability to align their resources to sustain the effort required. But Insight without activity is just as worthless as activity without Insight.
SF marketing is a different type of marketing consultancy. We not only “talk the walk” but have a proven track record of “walking the talk” – by delivering pragmatic and tangible actions to deliver the right strategy.
Contact Us Contact us in strictest confidence on 07515 556564 or via email andy@sfmarketing.co.uk